المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : CBS returns March Madness to the iPhone (Macworld.com)

Mgtrben news
03-09-2010, 05:19 AM
Macworld.com - The fervor over March Madness is akin to the excitement over the Olympics: even if you're not a typical sports fan, you can't help but be interested. ?*Me,?*I’ll watch maybe one college basketball game during the regular season, but come tournament time I can't help but ******* scores and update my bracket like any other diehard. This year, two versions of CBS Sports Mobile's March Madness iPhone app should make that easier than ever.

Source (http://us.rd.**********/dailynews/rss/tech/*http://news.**********/s/macworld/20100308/tc_macworld/cbsreturnsmarchmadnesstotheiphone)