En.Khaled Alfaiomi
03-12-2010, 04:12 AM
PC World - A security researcher has published exploit code for the latest Internet Explorer zero-day flaw on the *** and Microsoft is warning that more attacks against the unpatched vulnerability can be expected in-the-wild. One thing seems to be more apparent with each passing Internet Explorer (IE) vulnerability: its time to upgrade the *** browser.
Source (http://us.rd.**********/dailynews/rss/security/*http://news.**********/s/pcworld/20100311/tc_pcworld/itstimetofinallydropinternetexplorer6)
Source (http://us.rd.**********/dailynews/rss/security/*http://news.**********/s/pcworld/20100311/tc_pcworld/itstimetofinallydropinternetexplorer6)