المساعد الشخصي الرقمي

مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : Cliqset, Tumblr and other top Android Apps of the Week (Appolicious)

Mgtrben news
08-19-2010, 11:41 PM
Appolicious - This week saw a lot of entertainment and retail app releases in the Android market, as more high-end Android devices make their way to consumers. The growing diversity among these apps is telling of the Android’s influence, as it holds steady against Apple’s iOS domination.

Source (http://us.rd.*****.com/dailynews/rss/tech/*http://us.rd.*****.com/dailynews/external/appolicious_rss/rss_appolicious_tc/http___www_appolicious_com_articles2837_cliqset_tu mblr_and_other_top_android_apps_of_the_week/37281106/SIG=130sqrl2k/*http://www.appolicious.com/articles/2837-cliqset-tumblr-and-other-top-android-apps-of-the-week)