مشاهدة النسخة كاملة : help me
السلام عليكم
ماادري اذا مكان الموضوع صح او لا
بس حابه مساعدتكم
ابغى برقراف لايقل عن عشر فقرات وتكون مصطلحاته مبسطه شوي عشان يسهل حفظه
1-أبغي عن الأسره بشكل عام او خاص - 2-وعن الذكريات يعني أحداث في طفولتك وتتذكرينها- 3-وعن السوق
بأتعبكم معاي
بس الله يخليكم أنا بحاجتها مرره خلال هاليومين
01-23-2011, 04:11 PM
اهلين فيك اختي ميمو نورتي الملتقى
وصلتي وان شاء الله رح نلبي طلباتك
سؤال صغير ؟؟
البلجراف يلي بدك ياهم اكيد انجليزي
ممكن توضحي اكثر طلبك
بدك ياه جمل بسيطة ولاتعبير ولا كلمات ..
تحيتي لكي
سوري عالتأخير
ابغاه بالانجليزي
ويكون تعبير يحتوي على عشر جمل
وفيه طلب ثاني اذا مافيه احراج
ابغى كمان برقراف عن interesting
ابغاهم اليوم ضروري الله يخليك
ومشكوره يابعدهم عالاهتمام
01-28-2011, 11:37 AM
اليوم بالليل بيكون جاهز ان شاء الله ... بس بدك ياها كمان مع هيدر وبودي وكنكلوجن ولا بس البراغراف عادي
King of Nothing
01-28-2011, 06:00 PM
King of Nothing
01-28-2011, 06:01 PM
البارغراف التالي عن الأسرة بشكل عام يعني المجتمع نفسو كيف التكنولجيا ساهمت بتغيير نظرات أفراد الأسرة وكيف الفرد بيكتسب سلوكيات عنيفة وكيف علم الاجتماع ]درس الحالات هاي
Lately we noticed a revolution in the technology and it came with a positive things
and negative things, it depend in how we use that technology and media was one
of these technologies that played a big part in presenting negative things in the
society, we will talk about movies and how they infected our society because
movies plays very important part in most of the media channels, the affection is
partly due to incapacitation between 6PM and 12AM, an increase of one million in
the audience for violent movies reduces violent crime by 0.5 to 0.9 percent. After
exposure to the movie, between 12AM and 6AM, crime is reduced by an even
larger percentage does not appear to be due only to a cathartic effect specific to
violent movies, since non-violent movies that appeal to young males have a similar
effect. Due to a substitution away from other activities (with higher levels of
violence) both during and after the movie, and a decrease in alcohol consumption.
Overall, it’s been find no evidence of a temporary surge in violent crime due to
exposure to movie violence as would be predicted by the laboratory experiments,
Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime a question like that is important for
policy and scientific research alike. In 2000, the Federal Trade Commission issued a
report at the request of the President and of Congress, surveying the scientific
evidence and warning of risks. In the same year, the American Medical
Association, together with five other public-health organizations, issued a joint
statement on the risks of exposure to media violence, who ever watch more
violent media are substantially is likely to be involved in self-reported violence and
crime. There been a lot of studies to prove that movie violence increase violent
crime, Gordon Dahl and Stefano DellaVigana done some researches about that
issues and came up with impressive result by doing a specific researches by using
since, and they calculated the averages in using theories and presenting theme as
evidence to us and to the society
King of Nothing
01-28-2011, 06:10 PM
Conclusion Violence movies plays a part in our reaction
Article: Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime
Made by: Gordon Dahl & Stefano DellaVigna
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http://www.mitpressjournals.org/doi/pdfplus/10.1162/qjec.2009.124.2.677 (http://econpapers.repec.org/******s/redir.plex?u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mitpressjournals.org %2Fdoi%2Fpdfplus%2F10.1162%2Fqjec.2009.124.2.677;h =repec:tpr:qjecon:v:124:y:2009:i:2:p:677-734)
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King of Nothing
01-28-2011, 06:15 PM
الطفولة ما رح احكي عن طفولتي طبعا :z027: \
وتحطيها حضرتك كبنت ... بظن الطفولة فيكي تحكي أي شي عن حياتك سواء سلبي أو إيجابي وتحكي عنو بالعربي
وبعدين ابدي اكتبي بإسلوبك بالانجليزي
King of Nothing
King of Nothing
01-28-2011, 06:19 PM
أما بالنسبة للسوق .... رح أعطيكي موضوع عن اليد الخفية (invisible hand’ ) اللي بتتحكم بالسوق (اللي هنين المستثمرين والمنتجين) وكيف المستهلك بيستهلك المواد وتأثيرها عالطبيعة
والتأثير على استخدام المواد اسمو Invisible elbow’
طبعا هاي الشغلات دراسها بعلم الاجتماع بالجامعة
King of Nothing
01-28-2011, 06:21 PM
For each country there is an economic system controls it’s market and that system is supported by the business men, share holders and the government, some countries are strong and other countries are weak depends of what kind of economic strategy and how the share holders are running that strategy in running the economic system for the country.
Main Body:
The working of the markets and price mechanisms seem straightforward and also positive, but doesn’t come without unintended or unconsidered and negative consequences, which can also be well-known also willingly included in producing goods and profit. (The invisible elbow) of market forces, able to cause general ruin, as a counterpart (The invisible hand), bringing wealth and prosperity. Another term for (the invisible elbow) is externalities.
Externalities refer to differences between private costs and the benefits (incurred by the economic agents involved in the market transaction) the social costs and benefits (incurred by the other social agents not involved in a market transaction, along with the private costs and benefits), which means economic agents can't enjoy the full benefits of it, but also will not pay the full costs of their actions. Externalities can be positive such as (if flowers growing in one’s garden it give pleasure to neighbors and passers-by) or negatively (environmental damage or destruction as a by-product of resource extraction, deforestation or chemicals production) they are usually not experienced by the people who create them. Both producers and the consumers are involved in creating externalities. Customers are interested in saving money by buying desired items at lowest prices without wondering whether their choice contributes to the low-wage exploitation culture or air or water pollution in another country will anyone care. Producers are concerned about the creation of a huge profits while investing as little money and resources as possible as it needed, moving their production wherever they find no or basic environmental and work regulations. Markets don't consider what future wants or what the future needs generations or public goods, like water air, and exclude people with no or with a little money available.
These things must be controlled and monitored by the government because by time and in the future the industries field will knock down everything related to nature because the human need never end and the man will keep in requesting more and more, these issues can be fixed by:
- Extending private ownership by assigning property rights.
- Green taxes and subsides
- bringing private costs in line with social costs
History of Economic Thought is part of the economics and deals with the developments in the economy, in addition to that this part examines the ideas presented by scholars of the economy over time, like Adam Smith, Karl Marx, John Maynard Keynes, David Ricardo and others.
Social scientist think: if people live in a more environmentally friendly society, one in which people cared more about each other and about environment externalities might not be the problem that they are today.
What about the costs for the population and to their future generations?
Who is going to pay these costs?
How much it’s needed to pay?
How do we measure these costs of those environmental problems and will it impose on our future generations? ….
In the end the selfishness within society must be kept under restraint and worked for the good of all when acting in a competitive market. Prices are often unrepresentative of the true value of goods and services. Thought true value of things derived from the amount of labour invested in them. Otherwise there is no real market solution for future generations.
King of Nothing
01-28-2011, 06:27 PM
بظن بكيفي هيك :z019:
حظك حلو انو أنا ما بروح أي مكان بدون انترنت لإنو أنا قاعد مخيم بالبر والحياة سعيدة
حياااكم يا جماعة :z019:
King of Nothing
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