سلام إلى جميع الإخوة
إخوتي الأعزاء: موضوع اليوم هو عبارة عن مجموعة من الأفعال يكثر إستعمالها في اللغة الانجليزية مع معانيها في اللغة العربية بالإضافة إلى أمثلة عن طريقة إستعمالها في الجمل
إليكم الأفعال
Answer: يجيب (past = answered)
The students answered the teacher’s questions
arrive: يصل إلى مكان (past = arrived)
We arrived home late
ask: يسأل (past = asked)
You must ask if you want to know something
become: يصبح (past = became)
The weather became colder last night
begin: يبدأ (past = began)
The movie starts after 15 minutes
believe: يصدق (past = believed)
The mother believed her child because he said the truth
break: يكسر (past = broke)
The window broke into pieces
bring: يجلب (past = brought)
The beauty of the music brought tears to her eyes
build: يبني (past = built)
They are building houses in that area
buy: يشتري (past = bought)
I bought a new red dress for the party
call: ينادي (past = called)
He called for help but no one heard him
carry: يحمل (past = carried)
The monkey carried her baby on her back
catch: يمسك (past = caught)
The dog caught the ball in its mouth
change: يتغير (past = changed)
In Autumn leaves change from green to brown
close: يغلق (past = closed)
Close the windows and keep out the cold air
come: يأتي (past = came)
The little girl came running to her mother for sympathy
continue: يستمر (past = continued)
The fighting continued for a week before the enemy was defeated
cost: يكلف (past = cost)
It will cost you $500 to fly to Paris
cry: يبكي (past = cried)
She cried with grief when she hard news of her friend’s death
cut: يقطع (past = cut)
Don’t cut your fingers on the broken glass
die: يموت (past = died)
My love for you will never die
do: يفعل (past = did)
What are you doing now
drink: يشرب (past = drank)
One should drink water everyday
eat: يأكل (past = ate)
Tigers eat meat
end: ينهي (past = ended)
He ended his letter with good wishes to the family
enter: يدخل (past = entered)
Please do not enter without knocking on the door
explain: يشرح (past = explained)
John explained how to use the telephone
fall: يقع (past = fell)
The clock fell off the ****f
feel: يشعر / يحس (past = felt)
I can feel his heart beatings
fight: يتعارك (past = fought)
People usually fight for the independence of their countries
find: يجد (past = found)
I can’t find my boots
finish: ينهي (past = finished)
When do you finish your college course
fix: يصلح (past = fixed)
My father fixed the water tap
get: يحصل على (past = got)
I got a letter today
give: يعطي (past = gave)
You gave him money and he wasted it
go: يذهب (past = went)
I must go to school
grow: ينمو (past = grew)
She won’t have her hair short, she’s letting it grow
happen: يحصل / يحدث (past = happened)
A funny thing happened today when they were practicing
Have: يملك (past = had)
He has a nice car
hear: يسمع (past = heard)
I can hear someone knocking
Help: يساعد (past = helped)
The stick helps him to walk
hold: يمسك / يحمل (past = held)
She’s holding the baby in her arms
hope: يأمل / يتمنى (past = hoped)
We’re hoping to visit France this year
hurt: يؤذي (past = hurt)
He hurt his leg when he fell
keep: يحفظ / يبقي (past = kept)
Please keep this for me until I come back
know: يعرف (past = knew)
I know how to swim
laugh: يضحك (past = laughed)
He laughed silently to himself
learn: يتعلم (past = learned)
He is learning how to play the drums
leave: يترك / يغادر (past = left)
When shall we leave for the party
let: يسمح (past = let)
She lets her children play in the street
like: يحب (past = liked)
I don’t like to be unhappy
listen: يستمع (past = listened)
Listen to the music and don’t make noise
live: يعيش (past = lived)
If he goes on driving like a madman he won’t live long
look: ينظر (past = looked)
We looked at him jumping
lose: يخسر (past = lost)
I have lost my book
love: يحب (past = loved)
He loves playing the piano
make: يعمل (past = made)
He made a cup of tea for the guests
mean: يعني (past = meant)
What does that French word mean
Meet: يلتقي (past = met)
I met him on the street
move: يتحرك (past = moved)
The prisoner was tied so tightly that he couldn’t move hand or foot
need: يحتاج (past = needed)
You need to learn the value of money
open: يفتح (past = opened)
The shop opens at 10
pay: يدفع
He paid 2 pounds for that book
plan: يخطط (past = planned)
She planned to do some work this afternoon
put: يضع (past = put)
You put too much salt in this food
rain: يمطر (past = rained)
It is raining heavily this night
read: يقرأ (past = read)
I can read French but I can’t speak it
ride: يقود (past = rode)
Can you ride a bicycle
run: يركض (past = ran)
He ran to catch the bus
say: يقول (past = said)
What did you say
see: يرى (past = saw)
It was so dark that he could hardly see
sell: يبيع (past = sold)
There are many dishonest voters who sell their vote to whoever pays most
send: يرسل (past = sent)
If you need money, I’ll send it
sit: يجلس (past = sat)
If you can’t find a seat you’ll have to sit on the floor
sleep: ينام (past = slept)
He likes to sleep an hour in the afternoon
speak: يتكلم (past = spoke)
He was too ill to speak
stand: يقف (past = stood)
I couldn’t get a seat on the bus, so I had to stand
start: يبدأ (past = started)
He started poor but quickly became rich
stay: يبقى (past = stayed)
I stayed late at the party last night
stop: يتوقف (past = stopped)
We stopped working at teatime
study: يدرس (past = studied)
He studies medicine
take: يأخذ (past = took)
John took second place in the race
talk: يتكلم (past = talked)
Students are not allowed to talk in class without permission
teach: يُدرِس م يُعلِم (past = taught)
I teach English for intermediate classes
tell: يخبر (past = told)
You promised that you won’t tell anyone about my secret
think: يفكر (past = thought)
We should think of a solution for this problem
touch: يلمس (past = touched)
Don’t touch the oven it is very hot
try: يجرب (past = tried)
Lama had to try the dress before she bought it
turn: يلف / يتحول (past = turned)
The wheel turned slowly
use: يستعمل (past = used)
The cameraman uses a new type of films
wait: ينتظر (past = waited)
Don’t wait for me tonight I will stay out late
walk: يمشي (past = walked)
We walked together in the fields hand in hand
want: يريد / يرغب (past = wanted)
My grandma wanted to see me
wash: يغسل (past = washed)
Parents should tell their children to wash their hand before they eat
watch: يشاهد (past = watched)
We are watching a horror movie at this moment
work: يعمل (past = worked)
Don’t disturb your father because he is working
write: يكتب (past = wrote)
Sue wrote a letter to her friends
understand: يفهم (past = understood)
I cant understand him when he behaves so badly
visit: يزور (past = visited)
Tom has to visit his friend in the hospital