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الموضوع: to go

العرض المتطور

  1. #1
    مغترب سوبر نشيط
    الحالة : حبيبه غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Aug 2010
    رقم العضوية: 2525
    الدولة: مصر
    الإهتمامات: النت
    العمل: طالبه
    المشاركات: 101
    الحالة الإجتماعية: اعزب
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 30

    to go

    This lesson is the first lesson about using the verb 'to go' combined with particles. Here are some of the most common:

    'to go about' means to deal with or tackle a task or job.

    Do you know how to enrol on the course? I don't know how to go about it.
    How can I go about getting a copy of my birth certificate?

    'to go after' means to try to get.

    I sent in my application today. I'm going after that job.
    He went after a very well paid job but didn't get it.

    'to go after' can also mean to follow or chase.

    Michelle left suddenly then Pierre went after her.
    I didn't go after her when she left. I think she needed to be on her own.

    'to go ahead' means to begin or proceed with something.

    Even though the risks were high, we decided to go ahead with the project.
    It went ahead without any problems. We're very happy.

    'to go along with' means to agree with a person or idea.

    I said it wouldn't work. I didn't go along with it from the beginning.
    In the end, he went along with Jack even though he had said he agreed with me.

    'to go away' means to leave a place or a person's company.

    Did you stay at home or did you go away over the holidays?
    Please go away. I'd like to be alone for a while.

    'to go back' means to return to a place.

    We had a great holiday in Spain last year. We are going back this year.
    I had forgotten my passport and had to go back to get it.

    'to go back on' means to change your position on a promise or agreement.

    I said I would do it. I can't go back on it now.
    He went back on his promise and didn't help me out.

    'to go by' for time means to pass

    A couple of hours went by before he phoned me back.
    Twenty years went by before I saw him again.

    'to go by' can also mean to go past or pass

    I love sitting at a street cafe watching the world go by.
    He didn't see me. He just went by without saying a word.

    to go3

    Let's continue looking at the verb 'to go' combined with particles. Here are some more common ones:

    'to go on doing something' means to continue doing something.

    He didn't even look at me. He just went on working.
    I can't go on working so hard. I'm going to make myself ill.

    'to go on to do something' means to move on to something after you have finished.

    First he told us about the present situation, then he went on to tell us about the future.
    If you have no further questions, I'd like to go on to the next part of my talk.

    'to go on' means to happen.

    What's going on outside? There's a lot of noise.
    There's not much going on this afternoon. It's very quiet.

    'to go out' means to leave home to go to the cinema or the pub for example.

    I won't be home tonight. I'm going out with Kelly.
    We're going out for a beer tonight. Would you like to come?

    'to go over' means to review something to check it.

    I'm not sure my figures are accurate. Can we go over them again?
    He went over the main points again to be sure we had understood.

    'to go through' means to experience an unpleasant or difficult time.

    It was terrible. I don't want to go through that again.
    He's going through a very difficult time what with his divorce etc.

    'to go through' also means to examine something carefully.

    The customs officer went through their bags looking for drugs.
    I've been through his papers but I can't find the one I'm looking for.

    'to go under' means to fail or go bankrupt.

    Three thousand companies have gone under so far this year.
    Cash flow is the reason that most companies go under.

    'to go up' means to increase or rise.

    The number of jobless went up 0.5 percent last month.
    It's very expensive now. The price has gone up by ten percent since January.

    'to go with' means to support an idea or the people proposing a plan.

    I think Jack's right. I have to go with him.
    We should go with Sue's idea. It's the best idea yet.
رد مع اقتباس رد مع اقتباس  

  • #2
    مشرفة منتدى الوظائف وفرص العمل
    الحالة : ms.lonley غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2010
    رقم العضوية: 2379
    السيرة الذاتية: فالله خير حافظا وهو أرحم الرحمين
    المشاركات: 1,881
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 402

    A good choice for the lesson

  • #3
    الحالة : kofykofy غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2010
    رقم العضوية: 639
    الدولة: مصر
    المشاركات: 1,849
    الحالة الإجتماعية: متزوج
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 0

    thank you habiba waiting the next

  • #4
    الحالة : Sanaa غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Apr 2010
    رقم العضوية: 471
    المشاركات: 14,895
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 1696

    Nice lesson

    Thanks Habiba

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