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الموضوع: علم الأصوات Phonetics >>

العرض المتطور

  1. #1
    الحالة : AHLA-DANA غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
    رقم العضوية: 3089
    الدولة: ياغربت الازمان هل لاتنتهي * ياغربت الازمان طالت غربتي
    الإهتمامات: الرسم والسباحة
    السيرة الذاتية: أدرس اداب لغة انجليزية -فرنسي
    العمل: طالبة جامعية
    العمر: 34
    المشاركات: 4,086
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 694

    علم الأصوات Phonetics >>

    What is Phonetics?

    Phonetics is the study of the articulatory and acoustic properties of the sounds of human ********.

    The Physics and Physiology of Speech
    Consonants: Voicing and Place of Articulation
    Consonants: Manner of Articulation
    Extracting Formant values
    The exercises on the following pages are designed to illustrate characteristics of phonetic analysis. The study of phonetics is the study of the acoustic and articulatory properties of speech sounds.

    Standard English Place of Articulation
    Standard English Manner of Articulation
    Standard English Vowels
    Other Exercises


    In this lesson, you will be introduced to the major anatomical components of the speech system for human ********.
    Major Terms

    • trachea
    • larynx
    • glottis
    • pharynx
    • vocal tract
    Subglottal System

    Sound in human ******** is produced by the regulation of airflow from the lungs through the throat, nose, and mouth. This airflow is altered in various ways by different aspects of this speech system. The first major segment of the speech system is the subglottal system. This subglottal system comprises the lungs, diaphragm and trachea.
    The lungs are basically a pair of balloon-like sacs that inflate or deflate by the action of the diaphragm, a muscle just under the lungs, attached to them. When the diaphragm is lowered, the lungs inflate, and when the diaphragm is raised, air is pressed out of the lungs, allowing them to deflate.
    When this air is pressed out of the lungs, air travels up the trachea, or windpipe, to the larynx, the next major segment of the speech system.

    The Larynx

    The larynx is a mass of cartilage at the top of the trachea. It is commonly called the voicebox.

    The larynx contains folds of muscle called the vocal folds (sometimes called vocal cords). These vocal folds are connected to the larynx by the arytenoid cartilage at the front, but the other ends are left free. The opening between the vocal folds is known as the glottis. These folds can be relaxed, letting air flow freely through the glottis, or tensed, so that the air vibrates as it passes through the glottis.
    Sounds that are produced with relaxed vocal folds are known as voiceless sounds, and sounds that are produced with tensed vocal folds are known as voiced sounds. If the folds are only partially closed, a whispered sound is produced.


    سأضل أذكرك ويعتصر القلب حزناً وتبكيك عيوني
    أودعك رغم أنفي وليس بيدي حيلة

    فأعذرني وقد أشربوك كأس المنوني وأشربوني

رد مع اقتباس رد مع اقتباس  

  • #2
    الحالة : AHLA-DANA غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
    رقم العضوية: 3089
    الدولة: ياغربت الازمان هل لاتنتهي * ياغربت الازمان طالت غربتي
    الإهتمامات: الرسم والسباحة
    السيرة الذاتية: أدرس اداب لغة انجليزية -فرنسي
    العمل: طالبة جامعية
    العمر: 34
    المشاركات: 4,086
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 694


    In this lesson, the goals are to begin to learn how speech sounds are classified in terms of their use of the speech system.
    Major Terms
    place of articulation


    In the last lesson, you were introduced to the following states of the glottis: voiceless and voiced.
    الاصوات المهموسvoiceless
    الاصوات الجهوري voiced
    These states are determined by the action of the vocal folds in the larynx. If the vocal folds are held apart, the glottis is in a voiceless state, while if the vocal folds are held together, and allowed to vibrate, the glottis is in a voiced state.
    Certain consonants in human ******** are distinguished by which state is active during production of the sound. For example, pronounce the sound [m], as in mat, and hold the sound. While producing this sound, place your fingers at the **** of your throat. You should feel the vibration of the vocal folds. Since the sound [m] is vibrating, this is a voiced sound.
    Now make the sound [p], as in pat. You can't really hold this sound, but again put your fingers near the **** of your throat while you say [p]. You shouldn't feel much vibration, if any. This is because the vocal folds are held apart, making a voiceless sound.
    [B]Now say the sounds [p] and , as in bat, with your fingers at the **** of the throat. When you say [p], there should be no vibration, but when you say , there should be vibration. Think about what you are doing with your mouth to make both sounds. Both sounds are made in basically the same way, but one is voiceless and one is voiced.

    اهم شى كيف نعرف ان صوت الحرف اكان مهموس اوجهوري؟ كيف نعرف؟

    وذلك بوضع اصبعك ع الاحبال الصوتية واذا اهتزات فهو جهوري
    ام اذا لم تهتز فهو مهموس
    Speech and the Vocal Tract
    As described in the earlier lesson, speech sound is created by airflow through the vocal tract. In pulmonic sounds, which are the sounds we will consider here, the lungs push air up into the trachea, through the larynx, and outward through the vocal tract.
    So how are different sounds made? In part 1, we discussed that one way to make different sounds is to vary the state of the glottis, making either a voiced or voiceless sound.
    Another way is to vary the shape of the vocal tract. Imagine the vocal tract as a tube, through which air passes. If this tube is simply open, the airflow creates a sound. But if you alter the shape of that tube, the airflow moves differently, making a different sound.
    Here's an experiment that some of you may have tried. Take an empty bottle and blow air across the top of the bottle. If you can get the airflow just right, you should be able to produce a low sound. Now fill the bottle halfway with water. Blow across the bottle opening again. This time the sound is higher. If you put some more water in the bottle, the sound will get even higher.
    What's happening? For a more detailed discussion, you can view the lesson Acoustic Phonetics. However, for now, just understand that if the bottle (vocal tract) is not as filled with water (larger), the sound will be a deep, low sound. If the bottle (vocal tract) is filled with water (smaller), the sound will be a higher sound.

    When we make speech sounds, one thing that is happening is that we are varying the shape of the vocal tract, making the sound different. For example, say the sound [t]. To make this sound, you are raising the tip of your tongue behind your teeth and then lowering your tongue. When you do this, the air builds up behind the closure made by your tongue and teeth and is then released. When the air is released by the tongue, the air travels outward through a small area, just from the teeth to outside the mouth.
    Now say the sound [k]. To make this sound, you are bringing your tongue up to the velum, closing off the airflow, and then lowering your tongue to release the air. This time, when the air is released, it travels through a larger area before leaving the mouth. This space is from the velum to the lips. Thus, the sound made by the airflow is different from that made by [p].
    The following diagrams illustrate the amount of space in the vocal tract available for [t] and [k]:

    [t] [k]

    As the diagrams show, there is more space in the vocal tract for the release of air in the production of [k] than for [t]. Therefore, two distinct sounds are produced.
    The point at which the vocal tract is altered is known as the place of articulation. In the next section, we will discuss the major places of articulation in classifying human speech sounds.

    Place of Articulation
    The term place of articulation, as discussed in the last section, classifies speech sounds in terms of where in the vocal tract the shape of the vocal tract is altered. In this section, we will present the major places of articulation.

    Bilabial sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the lips against each other. Examples of such نطق هذة الحروف عن طريق الشفتين sounds in English are the following: [b], [p], [m].

    وجرب ذلك وسوف تلوحظون
    Labiodental sounds are those sounds made by the articulation of the upper teeth towards the lower lip. Examples of such sounds in English are the following: [f], [v].

    ننطق هذين الحرفين عن طريق الى اسنان العليا والشفاة السفلى

    وجرب ذلك

    قمت بترجمة الاشياء المهم جداً

    سأضل أذكرك ويعتصر القلب حزناً وتبكيك عيوني
    أودعك رغم أنفي وليس بيدي حيلة

    فأعذرني وقد أشربوك كأس المنوني وأشربوني

  • #3
    مشرف قسم اللغة الإنكليزية
    الحالة : محمود عبد المعطي غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Dec 2010
    رقم العضوية: 4290
    الدولة: سوريا- اللاذقية
    الإهتمامات: الركض و النت
    السيرة الذاتية: لا تشك للناس جرحا أنت صاحبه لا يألم الجرح الا من به ألم
    العمل: طالب سنة تانية ترجمة
    العمر: 32
    المشاركات: 1,023
    الحالة الإجتماعية: ما دخلت القفص الذهبي لسى بكير ......
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 216

    thank you alotttttttttttt but i steel need alot of time to read it

  • #4
    الحالة : AHLA-DANA غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2010
    رقم العضوية: 3089
    الدولة: ياغربت الازمان هل لاتنتهي * ياغربت الازمان طالت غربتي
    الإهتمامات: الرسم والسباحة
    السيرة الذاتية: أدرس اداب لغة انجليزية -فرنسي
    العمل: طالبة جامعية
    العمر: 34
    المشاركات: 4,086
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 694

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة محمود عبد المعطي مشاهدة المشاركة
    thank you alotttttttttttt but i steel need alot of time to read it

    Of course, you need a lot of time to read it
    I hope you interest
    Thank you my dear brother

    سأضل أذكرك ويعتصر القلب حزناً وتبكيك عيوني
    أودعك رغم أنفي وليس بيدي حيلة

    فأعذرني وقد أشربوك كأس المنوني وأشربوني

  • صفحة 1 من 4 123 ... الأخيرةالأخيرة

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