King of Nothing
البارغراف التالي عن الأسرة بشكل عام يعني المجتمع نفسو كيف التكنولجيا ساهمت بتغيير نظرات أفراد الأسرة وكيف الفرد بيكتسب سلوكيات عنيفة وكيف علم الاجتماع ]درس الحالات هاي
Lately we noticed a revolution in the technology and it came with a positive things
and negative things, it depend in how we use that technology and media was one
of these technologies that played a big part in presenting negative things in the
society, we will talk about movies and how they infected our society because
movies plays very important part in most of the media channels, the affection is
partly due to incapacitation between 6PM and 12AM, an increase of one million in
the audience for violent movies reduces violent crime by 0.5 to 0.9 percent. After
exposure to the movie, between 12AM and 6AM, crime is reduced by an even
larger percentage does not appear to be due only to a cathartic effect specific to
violent movies, since non-violent movies that appeal to young males have a similar
effect. Due to a substitution away from other activities (with higher levels of
violence) both during and after the movie, and a decrease in alcohol consumption.
Overall, it’s been find no evidence of a temporary surge in violent crime due to
exposure to movie violence as would be predicted by the laboratory experiments,
Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime a question like that is important for
policy and scientific research alike. In 2000, the Federal Trade Commission issued a
report at the request of the President and of Congress, surveying the scientific
evidence and warning of risks. In the same year, the American Medical
Association, together with five other public-health organizations, issued a joint
statement on the risks of exposure to media violence, who ever watch more
violent media are substantially is likely to be involved in self-reported violence and
crime. There been a lot of studies to prove that movie violence increase violent
crime, Gordon Dahl and Stefano DellaVigana done some researches about that
issues and came up with impressive result by doing a specific researches by using
since, and they calculated the averages in using theories and presenting theme as
evidence to us and to the society
King of Nothing
Conclusion Violence movies plays a part in our reaction
Article: Does Movie Violence Increase Violent Crime
Made by: Gordon Dahl & Stefano DellaVigna
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King of Nothing
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King of Nothing
King of Nothing
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