• accept, except
• advice, advise
• all ready, already
• buy, by
• choose, chose
• complement, compliment
• emigrate, immigrate
• it's, its
• loose, lose
• miner, minor
• past, passed
• principal, principle
• stationary, stationery
• than, then
• their, there, they're
• threw, through
• to, too, two
• weather, whether
• Your,you're
accept, except
Accept means "to receive". Example: Please accept my gift.
Except means "not including". Example: I brought all the gifts except yours.
advice, advise
Advice is an "opinion about what should be done". Example: She gives good advice.
Advise means "to recommend". Example: Please advise me on what to do.
affect, effect
Affect means "to influence". Example: Do not let the loss affect you.
An effect is "a result". Example: The loss did not have an effect on me.
all ready, already
All ready means "everything is ready". Example: We are all ready to move.
Already means "previously". Example: We already moved our things yesterday.
buy, by
Buy means "to purchase". Example: Please buy me a ticket.
By means "beside". Example: The book is by the table.
choose, chose
Choose means "to select". Example: Today, I will choose a new house.
Chose is the past tense of choose. Example: Yesterday, I chose a new house.
complement, compliment
Complement means "to make complete". Example: This hat will complement my new dress.
A compliment is something said in praise. Example: Thank you for the compliment about my dress.
emigrate, immigrate
Emigrate means "to leave one country to settle in another". Example: I intend to emigrate from Hong Kong.
Immigrate means "to come to live in a new country". Example: I intend to immigrate to Canada.
it's, its
It's is the short form of "it is". Example: It's in the dog house.
Its is a pronoun that shows ownership or possession. Example: The dog has its own house.
loose, lose
Loose means "not tight". Example: My pants are loose.
Lose means "to be defeated or no longer have". Example: I do not want to lose the game.
miner, minor
A miner is a person who works in a mine. Example: My uncle is a miner.
Minor is an adjective that means "unimportant". Example: This is a minor problem.
A minor also refers to a person who is not yet an adult. Example: It is illegal for a minor to drink alcohol.
past, passed
Past means "gone by" or "history". Example: The car drove past my house.
My past is very interesting.
Passed is the past tense of pass. Example: We passed the truck earlier.
principal, principle
A principal is the head of a school. Example: The principal spoke to us today.
A principle is an important fact or law. Example: The principle of democracy is important to Canadians.
stationary, stationery
Stationary means to be "standing still". Example: Please remain stationary.
Stationery means "writing materials". Example: They went to the store to buy some stationery.