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الموضوع: شركة Dell تكشف عن مجموعتها الجديده من سلسلة الحاسبات المحمولة Vostro

  1. #1
    مشرف منتدى الانترنت والكمبيوتر والعلوم الحيوية
    الحالة : ABDULLAH JANEM غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Mar 2010
    رقم العضوية: 54
    الدولة: S Y R I A
    الإهتمامات: رياضة , انترنت , كمبيوتر
    السيرة الذاتية: Give the music and have the world
    العمل: STUDENT
    المشاركات: 2,242
    الحالة الإجتماعية: عازب حاليا
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 238

    شركة Dell تكشف عن مجموعتها الجديده من سلسلة الحاسبات المحمولة Vostro

    شركة Dell كشفت اليوم عن سلسلة الجديده 3000 من عائلة Vostro وهذه السلسلة ستكون مزوده بأحدث المعالجات منها Core i5 و Core i7 حتى لو أردت معالج Core i7 رباعي النواه ولكن سيكون فقط متوفر للحاسب المحمول Vostro 3700 بشاشة طولها 17 أنش. حاسبات التي تحمل الشاشة 13 و 14 و15 و 17 أنش كلها ستأتي باللون الفضي والأحمر والبرونزي .الحاسب الأقوى هو 3700 بشاشة طولها 17 أنش وهو الأغلى طبعا وهنالك الحاسب المحمول 3300 بشاشة طولها 13 أنش وبسعر سيبدأ من 699 دولار أمريكي والذي سيمكنك من الحصول على Core i5 . كل الموديلات من هذا الحاسب المحمول ستكون بمعالج رسوميات منفصل وفي حال حصولك على 3700 فأنك ستحصل على كرت NVIDIA بسعة واحد جيجابايت .

    مؤتمر صحفي بالداخل:

    Dell Celebrates Entrepreneurial Spirit with New VostroTM Laptops
    Vostro 3000 Series Offers World-Class Security, Services and Reliability to Help Small Businesses Succeed
    ROUND ROCK – MARCH 09, 2010 – Following the successful launch of the ultrathin and light Vostro V13, Dell is offering business customers even more choice with the stylish Vostro 3000 series – a range of new thin, lightweight and durable laptop computers. Featuring powerful processors, high-end graphics and built-in security, the Vostro 3000 series is designed for small businesses that require robust mobile computing solutions.

    Today’s SMBs and entrepreneurs want notebooks that are powerful and attractive, and the new Vostro 3000 series was designed to meet and exceed both those needs. For the most demanding tasks, the Vostro 3000 series sports the latest powerful Intel® Core™ processor technology, including, the optional, Core i7 Quad Core processor available on the Vostro 3700. For those that demand portability and productivity, the Vostro 3300 is one of the industry’s thinnest commercial 13″ laptop with an integrated optical drive. For those that can’t afford to be chained to their desks, the 14″ Vostro 3400 offers a full day of mobile productivity with up to 8 hours of battery life with an optional 9-cell battery.

    “To succeed, small businesses need simple, reliable and affordable technology solutions,” said Alex Gruzen, SVP, Consumer, Small and Medium Business, Dell, Inc. “These entrepreneurs want technology that makes them more productive and helps them compete, and the Vostro 3000 delivers in a package they will be proud to show off in the airport or the boardroom.”

    “Dell continues to sharpen its focus on SMB customers with the new Vostro 3000 series,” said Ray Boggs, VP of SMB Research at IDC. “Small and mid-sized firms are returning to the PC market after a year in the recessionary wilderness, and they are ready for the kinds of capabilities, including Microsoft Windows 7, that will get them to the next level of productivity.”

    “As the first PC brand designed exclusively for small businesses, over the last year, Dell has introduced several new Vostro laptops and desktops to serve their distinctive needs. Ranging from our recently announced, super dependable Vostro 230 or future-proof and powerful Vostro 430 desktops, or the ultra-thin Vostro V13 laptop, Vostro products are designed for small businesses helping them stretch their budget and protect their data, and come with dedicated small business services and support to keep a small businesses moving,” added Gruzen.

    Worry-Free Business IT
    All of the Vostro 3000 laptops have embedded ***cam and microphone for collaboration through videoconferencing, while the Vostro 3500 and 3700 offer the option of high definition WLED screens and the 3700 offers the option of up to 1GB of NVIDIA® GeForce® discrete graphics to help ensure one of the best visual experiences. With the built-in HDMI port, users can even make high definition presentations to clients when required.

    These new Vostro notebooks are also backed by a dedicated and specially trained small-business sales and support team of experts, which is a key pain point for small businesses that typically have little or no IT support. Inclusion in Dell’s FastTrack program enables select configurations of the Vostro 3000 series to ship within 48 hours of ordering, further removing worry from buying a new laptop.

    Durability is another feature more customers are demanding from their laptops. The Vostro 3000 series laptops sport durable hinges and are encased in aluminum for extra protection while away from the office. Shipped with a 30-day return policy, the Vostro 3000 notebooks also feature a suite of customizable service and support solutions to keep business data protected and business moving at an affordable price.

    Vostro 3000 Series: At a Glance
    • Stay in Touch: With the integrated ***cam and microphone, users can make Internet calls, conduct video conferences and remotely exchange files to help increase productivity.
    • Always Be Connected: Users can go wireless with a full range of connectivity options: 802.11g/n wireless LAN, Bluetooth, and WWAN mobile broadband.
    • Memory to Spare: Run Windows® 7 effortlessly while performing everyday tasks quickly with support for up to 6GB of DDR3 SDRAM memory.
    • Protect Your Work: Keep your critical data under lock and key with optional finger print reader and full-data-encrypted hard drives.
    • “Set & Forget” Online Data Protection: Easy, secure and automated Dell DataSafe online backup protects and helps recover business-critical data.
    • Coverage Now and Later: Users can extend their basic Limited Hardware Warranty from 1-3 years to stay covered into the future.
    • Remote On-Call Support: Small businesses can get help when they need it with DellConnect, which allows tech-support agents to troubleshoot and help resolve system issues remotely.
    • ProSupport to Simplify IT: Businesses can choose their own level of 24×7 IT support with optional Dell ProSupport™services.

    Available in the US and parts of Asia starting from today and available in Europe and Latin America and other geographies from March 16. Visit Vostro Systems | Dell for additional information.

    About Dell
    As the visionary outcome of a true entrepreneur, Dell (NASDAQ: DELL) is committed to helping small and medium businesses solve their technology challenges, ease business pain points and draw greater value from IT. Honored for technology deployment by the 2009 IDC SMB Excellence Awards, Dell is here to support entrepreneurs every step of the way with ProManage-Managed Services, Optiplex desktops, Latitude laptops, the designed-for-small business Vostro line, energy-efficient PowerEdge servers and Small and Medium Business Solutions Center.
    Dell, Vostro, Datasafe, DellConnect and ProSupport are trademarks of Dell Inc.
    Dell disclaims any proprietary interest in the marks and names of others.
    Pricing may change without notice
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  • #2
    الحالة : عمر غير متواجد حالياً
    تاريخ التسجيل: Feb 2010
    رقم العضوية: 39
    الدولة: S Y R I A - Lattakia
    الإهتمامات: internet
    المشاركات: 3,172
    الحالة الإجتماعية: single
    معدل تقييم المستوى : 277


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