Appolicious - As promised, Google has released Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich to the open source community. And as a bonus, the code encompasses the complete source code history tree, which includes Honeycomb’s line up as well. To be more specific, this is the source code for version 4.0.1 of Android, which is the version to ship on the upcoming Samsung Galaxy Nexus. This is the first time both ICS and Honeycomb have been opened to developers, and the move reiterates Chairman Eric Schmidt’s statements during his tour of Asia this month that Android would remain an open, free platform.
http://us.rd.**********/dailynews/external/appolicious_rss/rss_appolicious_tc/http___www_androidapps_com_articles10210_android_4 _0_code_released_as_os_takeover_continues/43608221/SIG=133egf2ob/*] Source[/url]
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