She never meant to hurt me
She never meant to make me cry
I couldn't stand the pain inside
She never want to let me die
I wish I could see her face again
I wish I could see her virgin smile
I couldn't take away my pain
Night is coming and there's nothing left to stay
Nothing changes, everything has gone away
No eternity, no hope for me with myself
I close my eyes and every thing fade away
did she meant to hurt me
did she meant to make me cry
did she meant to put that pain inside
did she meant to let me die
I wish I could see her face again
I wish I could see her virgin smile
I couldn't take away my pain
Night is coming and there's nothing left to stay
Nothing changes, everything has gone away
No eternity, no hope for me and you
I close my eyes and every thing fade away
Hold me in your arms for the last time
let me die tonight
King of Nothing
««صديقة الدرب»»
Thoughts of a wonderful and beautiful
Thank you for Baha fresh look Hrovk
Long as you iPod and Hana
يَا سُـــورْيَا لاَ تنْحَنِيِ .. .. أَنَا لاَ أُذَلُ وَلاَ أُهَــــاَنْ
خَلِّي جَبِينَكِ عَاَلِيـــــاً .. .. مَادُمْتِ صَاحِبَةُ الْمَكَانْ
للاستفسار او مساعدة راسلوني على هاد الايميل
[email protected]
I didn't get it
King of Nothing
««صديقة الدرب»»
ترجمة يلي كتبتو
الخاطرة رائعة وجميلة
شكرا على جمال وبهاء حروفك
دام لك بود وهناء
يَا سُـــورْيَا لاَ تنْحَنِيِ .. .. أَنَا لاَ أُذَلُ وَلاَ أُهَــــاَنْ
خَلِّي جَبِينَكِ عَاَلِيـــــاً .. .. مَادُمْتِ صَاحِبَةُ الْمَكَانْ
للاستفسار او مساعدة راسلوني على هاد الايميل
[email protected]
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)