He who over-lengthens his stride falls down.إللي بيكبّر فشختو بيوقع
He who needs something from the dog, says to it Good morning milord!إللي بيعوز الكلب بيقول له صبحَك بالخير يا سيدي
Ride a rooster and see where it takes you! (the answer is the dung heaps which it enjoys much)اركب الديك وشوف لوين بيوَدِّيك
God cannot make [me] more misshapen than a monkey. (So let the worse come, I’m not afraid)اكتر من قرد ما مسخو الله
I married a [beautiful] stranger, but found that the tares of ones homeland are better than the wheat of the crusaders.تزوّجنا وجبنا غريبة، زِوان بلادك ولا القمح الصليبي
Repetition teaches [even] the donkey.التكرار بيعلّم الحمار
Three things cannot be kept hidden: love, pregnancy, and riding a camel.ثلاثة ما بيتخبّوا: الحُب والحَمل وركوب الجمل
The bell invites people to church but remains outside.الجرس بيدعي الناس للكنيسة وبيبقى برّا
Nothing can be done when an old man is in love.جهل الختيار ما لو دبّار
Yes I’m your ruler and oppressor, to whom are you going to make an appeal?حاكمك وظالمك ولمين بتشكي أمرك؟
When eating grapes, take one berry at a time, although taking two is considered polite. But three berries at a time make you spit them; four make you like a gluttonous bearحَبّة حَبّة أكل العنب. تِنتان تِنتان حشمة وأدب
تلاتة تلاتة تبِقّ العنب، أربعة أربعة أكل الدبب
We thought the Pasha [a fearful man of rank] was a Pasha, it turned out that the Pasha was a mere man.حسبنا الباشا باشا، تاري الباشا زلمه
Would you put your hand in a hornet’s nest and say, this is my fate?حِط إيدك بوكر الدبابير وقول هيدا من التقادير!
Lucky indeed who has a mother-in-law who loves himحظّو من السما اللي بتحبّو الحما
Lucky indeed who has not a mother-in-law.حظّو من السما اللي ما عندو حما
They loaded the donkey with books; he thought that he could read now!حمار حَمَّلوه كُتب، خمَّن حالو صار يعرف يِقرا
Learn their secrets from their childrenخود اسرارهم من صغارهم
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 3 (0 من الأعضاء و 3 زائر)
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)