iam nothing without you.....
iam lost without you....
i cann`t over come my sadness without you....
iam bad person without you.....
icann`t recognize the right thing from bad without you ....
you are every thing in my life.....
when my tears coverd my cheek ... and my heart is bleeding from sadness
and every one leaves me and no one ask me what wrong with you......
when i hate myself and my life and i cann`t find any one to hear me
or feel what i am feeling....
i see you ...take care of me .....
i feel you ...like you told me don`t be sad...iam with you...just be patient......
My God....i love you.....and iam lost with out you....so....please don`t leave me...
i ask you to fill every cell in my body with your love ...and make me strong and good person....
my god...forgive me about every thing bad i made it...
and thank you about every thing good you given it to me...
««صديقة الدرب»»
اللهم امين
شكرا لك على القصيدة الحزينة ولكنها رائعة
سلمت يمناك
يَا سُـــورْيَا لاَ تنْحَنِيِ .. .. أَنَا لاَ أُذَلُ وَلاَ أُهَــــاَنْ
خَلِّي جَبِينَكِ عَاَلِيـــــاً .. .. مَادُمْتِ صَاحِبَةُ الْمَكَانْ
للاستفسار او مساعدة راسلوني على هاد الايميل
[email protected]
thank roro
الذين يشاهدون الموضوع الآن: 1 (0 من الأعضاء و 1 زائر)
مواقع النشر (المفضلة)